Based on the results of FNA mapping, we have successfully recovered motile sperm without making an incision from a patient with Sertri-Only syndrome, the most severe type of non-obstructive azoospermia!
Based on the results of FNA mapping performed on patients with non-obstructive azoospermia, we did not perform micro TESE and collected sufficient motile spermatozoa using only fine-needle aspiration and cryopreserved them. This patient had Certri-Only syndrome (Johnsen score <2), which is the most common and most severe form of non-obstructive azoospermia, in which over 99% of the tissues do not produce any sperm.
Based on the FNA mapping results, we were able to collect a sufficient amount of motile sperm from one testis simply by puncturing it, without incising either testis. If he had been admitted to a university hospital and had micro TESE performed on both testicles under general anesthesia, the total medical cost under insurance would have been about 800,000 yen, but at our clinic, it was only about 120,000 yen.
Dr. Turek’s research results show that by performing FNA mapping to collect sperm from patients with Sertri-Only syndrome (Johnsen score <2), micro TESE, which is more invasive, can be performed in approximately 40% of patients. It has been shown that it is possible to avoid this and recover sperm, and this has also been demonstrated in Japanese people. The Japanese Society of Reproductive Medicine requested us to write a review on FNA Mapping for Reproductive Medicine and Biology, which has an impact factor of 4.009. In addition, staff from our hospital went to The Turek Clinic in San Francisco for training, and at the same time, we deepened our friendships. We would like to move forward so that more people with azoospermia will have the opportunity to receive FNA Mapping treatment.